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Déborah Dubald

Dr Déborah Dubald

Project partner; postdoctoral reearcher at "Sociétés, Acteurs, Gouvernements en Europe" laboratory, University of Strasbourg


Déborah Dubald is a partner of the Sinergia project “An interdisciplinary model to explain neverending infectious diseases. The case of syphilis, from 1859 to the present” as a postdoctoral researcher at the Sociétés, Acteurs, Gouvernements en Europe laborartory at the University of Strasbourg. She is conducting a research project on the uses of medical collections, from instruments to human remains, in interdisciplinary research in the present.
She holds a PhD in History from the European University Institute in Florence (2019), entitled “Capital Nature: a History of French Municipal Museums of Natural History, 1795-1870”, ( for which she won the James Kaye Memorial Prize in 2020.
She is a specialist of modern material cultures of science, with a particular focus on the themes of nature, the environment, collections and museums in the nineteenth century. Rooted in a social history of science, her work documents and analyses socially and spatially differentiated practices of science and knowledge.
She recently co-edited with Catarina Madruga (Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin) a special issue for the Journal of History of Knowledge It was published at the end of 2022 and is entitled “Situated Nature: Field collecting and local knowledge in the nineteenth century” (
History of scientific and medical collections and museum in the modern age ; material cultures of science; history of nature and the environment; history of science and knowledge practices;


  • “Off the beaten path? Frédéric Cailliaud’s bureaucratic practice of geological fieldwork in the Lower Loire, 1836-1869”, The Journal for the History of Knowledge, III, vol. 2.
  • (with avec Catarina Madruga)“Introduction. Situated Nature: Field Collecting and Local Knowledge in the Nineteenth Century”, The Journal for the History of Knowledge, III, vol. 2.
  • « Savante bureaucratie : le Journal de Jourdan (1854‑1868) et l’administration quotidienne du Muséum de Lyon », Revue d’Histoire du xixsiècle, vol. 64, 193-207.


Invited seminar papers (selected)
  • “Bureaucratic terrains? The materialisation of knowledge of nature in Lyon”, History of Knowledge seminar, University of Constance, Germany
  • “Materialising the underground: objects, papers and a geological map”, Material Cultures of Science Seminar, National Museum of Natural History, Lisbon, Portugal
  • « Collections naturalistes et savoirs sur l’humain : l’ambivalente place des objets ethnographiques dans les musées d’histoire naturelle de province au xixsiècle », History of Human Sciences Seminar, org. Nathalie Richard et al., Centre Alexandre Koyré, Paris, France
  • “Inventorying the Rhone. The Scientific Travels of Claude Jourdan Collecting for the Natural History Museum of Lyon, 1834-1869”, Cabinet of Natural History, History and Philosophy of Science Department, University de Cambridge, Great Britain
  • “Local Power and Natural Knowledge: Maires and Natural History Museums in Provincial France”, Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine seminar, University of Manchester, Great Britain



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